Do you Baptize infants?

Yes. Here’s why: On the one hand, we Baptize infants because we believe that God is doing all the work in Baptism – He doesn’t need our help. On the other hand, we confess that Baptism is not valid without faith. Simply pouring water over someone’s head doesn’t make them a Christian. And so you Read more about Do you Baptize infants?[…]

Why we translate “sola” as “only” and not “alone”

Many times you will see the core Lutheran beliefs stated in the Latin form that they were first presented (at the time, Latin was the language of scholarship, and if you were going to be taken seriously you needed to write in Latin). These Latin terms were: Sola Scriptura Sola Fide Sola Gratia and later Read more about Why we translate “sola” as “only” and not “alone”[…]


We thought that the following things might be helpful to understand. This page is produced by members of an American Lutheran church body call the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. There are other church bodies and while we share the same history and much of the same beliefs, there are times that we differ. Where Read more about Disclaimers[…]

So what IS a Lutheran anyway?

A Lutheran is a member of a movement that is trying to communicate the truth of Christianity according to its basic sources: Scripture, Faith, Grace, and Jesus Christ. Lutherans believe in “Scripture Only“. This means that we believe that only Scripture is ultimately useful in understanding who God is. We believe that theology (the task Read more about So what IS a Lutheran anyway?[…]